[CakeML] Behaviour of evaluate_dec

Lars Hupel hupel at in.tum.de
Thu May 25 07:18:10 UTC 2017

Dear CakeML developers,

I am wondering about the "dletrec1" rule in the big step semantics:

dletrec1 : forall ck mn env funs s locs.
List.allDistinct (List.map (fun (x,y,z) -> x) funs)
evaluate_dec ck mn env s (Dletrec locs funs) (s, Rval <| v =
build_rec_env funs env nsEmpty; c = nsEmpty |>)

Why is it that the "c" field of the result semantic environment is left
empty? Isn't that necessary for determining the welltypedness of pattern

This seems to be the same for the functional semantics.


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