[CakeML-dev] Failed to build CakeML using build instructions

Magnus Myreen magnus.myreen at gmail.com
Thu May 18 13:02:21 UTC 2017

Hi developers,

I tried building the latest HOL and CakeML following the build instructions at:


Unfortunately, my attempt failed due to an error in HOL under the
formal-languages example:

charsetTheory                                                           FAILED!
          (Different type constructors)
 Found near if ~>> (w, ... ...) = 1 then orb (w, IntInf.<< (...)) else w
error: Type error in function application.
    Function: Word.fromInt : Int.int -> Word.word
    Argument: width : int
       Can't unify Int.int (*In Basis*) with int (*In Basis*)
          (Different type constructors)
 Found near if ~>> (w, ... ...) = 1 then orb (w, IntInf.<< (...)) else w
 Static Errors

Is there a known work around? Should the build instructions be updated?


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