[CakeML-dev] Translation failure
Scott Owens
S.A.Owens at kent.ac.uk
Sat Apr 8 16:28:08 UTC 2017
No, they are equations. Do you have to do something special for mutual recursion? This is the definition:
|- (∀t.
inf_type_to_string t =
[PMATCH_ROW (λ_0. Infer_Tuvar _0) (λ_0. T)
(λ_0. "<unification variable>");
PMATCH_ROW (λn. Infer_Tvar_db n) (λn. T) (λn. toString n);
PMATCH_ROW (λ(t1,t2). Infer_Tapp [t1; t2] TC_fn) (λ(t1,t2). T)
(STRCAT (inf_type_to_string t1)
(STRCAT "->" (STRCAT (inf_type_to_string t2) ")"))));
PMATCH_ROW (λ_0. Infer_Tapp _0 TC_fn) (λ_0. T)
(λ_0. "<bad function type>");
PMATCH_ROW (λts. Infer_Tapp ts TC_tup) (λts. T)
(λts. STRCAT "(" (STRCAT (inf_types_to_string ts) ")"));
PMATCH_ROW (λtc1. Infer_Tapp [] tc1) (λtc1. T)
(λtc1. tc_to_string tc1);
PMATCH_ROW (λ(ts,tc1). Infer_Tapp ts tc1) (λ(ts,tc1). T)
(STRCAT (inf_types_to_string ts)
(STRCAT ") " (tc_to_string tc1))))]) ∧
inf_types_to_string ts =
[PMATCH_ROW (λ_. []) (λ_. T) (λ_. "");
PMATCH_ROW (λt. [t]) (λt. T) (λt. inf_type_to_string t);
PMATCH_ROW (λ(t,ts). t::ts) (λ(t,ts). T)
STRCAT (inf_type_to_string t)
(STRCAT ", " (inf_types_to_string ts)))]:
> On 2017/04/08, at 17:18, Magnus Myreen <magnus.myreen at gmail.com> wrote:
> Do you have a function that returns T? This might be cause by that,
> because some simplification might have turned the function definition
> `foo n = T` into `foo n` and the translator expects functions to be
> defined using equations.
> I debug the translator by starting the HOL session fresh in the file
> you want to work in, then do all the opens at the top, then copy in
> the code of the translator (this overshadows the opened
> ml_translatorLib), then just feed file you want to debug in as usual.
> Cheers,
> Magnus
> On 8 April 2017 at 18:12, Scott Owens <S.A.Owens at kent.ac.uk> wrote:
>> I’m seeing the translator fail on a pretty simple function that coverts inferencer types to strings in inferProgScript.sml on the type-error-loc branch. The error message is unhelpful.
>> Improved induction theorem: inf_type_to_string_ind
>> Failed translation: inf_type_to_string, inf_types_to_string
>> Exception- HOL_ERR {message = "not an \"=\"", origin_function = "dest_eq(_ty)", origin_structure = "boolSyntax"} raised
>> Does anyone have any ideas what the problem might be, or tips on debugging translator failures?
>> Scott
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